Frontline, Urgent Care, Patient Transport Services
HMAS can support the NHS with various services.
We have Patient Transport vehicles and staff that are fully complaint with and equipped to NHS standards. The vehicles have stretchers, wheel chairs, carry chairs, ramps and winches.
The vehicles are designed for non-emergency transport and as such, do not have any kind of emergency warning systems (blue lights and sirens).
Our patient transport staff are trained to FREC 3 along with driving and manual handling training.
Our goal for our Patient Transport services is to make our part of that particular patient’s journey, the best it can be. This is the primary goal of our crews who are friendly and supportive.
Our Urgent Care and Frontline crews operate from our Emergency Ambulances that are equipped to a high standard in anticipation of any kind of medical emergency that it may be dispatched to. Our crews can vary depending on the requirement but as a minimum they hold the FREC 4 qualification along with suitable licences due to our vehicles being a higher weight category. As well as FREC 4 Emergency Care Assistants, we routinely crew our ambulances with Ambulance Technicians and Paramedics which come with advanced care and monitoring skills, for the more unwell patients.
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